Our core value is the net-zero goal of clean-energy and zero-carbon products. Integrated cross-disciplinary research teams in chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, materials science, data science and other cross-field research fields to delve into innovative basic research and applications of sustainable carbon-negative green energy. Moreover, from the carbon neutral sandbox field of innovative carbon rights calculation, we established the global benchmark ′Voluntary Carbon Calculation International Certification Laboratory′ to derive net-zero emission innovative technological achievements. It will be able to effectively assist high-carbon emitting industries to achieve the carbon neutrality vision goal in 2030, cultivate leadership talents in low-carbon innovative technologies, and strengthen Taiwan′s competitiveness to meet the 2050 net-zero emission goal. Use the green hydrogen carbon neutral sandbox to verify the field, deeply promote the research and development of innovative technologies such as ′Negative-Carbon Resources′, ′Energy breakthrough and manufacturing′, ′Green and sustainable resources′, and ′Sustainable cloud computing platform′, develop and formulate reduction Carbon Science Program. The overall goals set are as follows:

Establish a 4D-printing research center for carbon-negative materials

Establish a carbon-neutral sandbox to derive net-zero technologies for defining and verifying carbon credits

Establish recyclable wind turbine blades and toxic-free anti-fouling pants

Assist high-carbon-emitting industries to achieve the vision of carbon neutrality in 2030 and implement the key indicators of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Core social issues to be solved

How to reverse the image of Taichung Power Plant with high carbon emission coefficient?
How to provide effective solutions for carbon neutrality in the high carbon-emitting industries
How can we learn from European green cities to promote the social impact of net-zero cities?
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Based on the current status and difficulties of net-zero transformation internationally and in Taiwan, as well as NCHU’s advantages, iSNR has established two core research areas,namely ′Clean Energy′ and ′Carbon-reduce, reuse and recycle (C-3Rs)′, we hope that the carbon reduction and energy storage technologies developed by our center can drive industrial upgrading to catch up with the global trend of carbon neutrality,and implement the national energy transformation goals through technological research and development.

Organization & Member
